Get the most out of your membership – Join a Chamber Committee!
To join a committee, contact our Membership & Marketing Director by email or at (217) 222-7980.
*committees are only available to Chamber members.
Ag Committee:
The Agribusiness Committee The Agribusiness & Education Committee is dedicated to supporting and promoting the local agricultural industry and its vital role in our community. This committee serves as a platform to highlight agribusinesses, connect educators with industry leaders, and bring awareness to the impact of agriculture through educational opportunities, business tours, networking events, and community initiatives.
Ambassadors are an integral part of the Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce. They are the face of the Quincy Chamber, the eyes and ears of the business community, and advocates for local business growth. They welcome new businesses to the community, volunteer at Chamber events, and more. We allow a maximum of 35 Ambassadors to serve the Chamber at a time. Fill out an application to be put on the waiting list. We accept new Ambassadors in January and July.
Diversity & Inclusion:
The D&I Committee works to create awareness within our community as it relates to being diverse and inclusive. They look for ways to help businesses embrace inclusion and to leverage the strengths of all their employees.
Governmental Affairs Committee:
This committee educates and motivates the membership to support local and state legislative policies that enhance the business climate. Discusses state and local issues and host decision-makers. They meet as needed throughout the year.
Young Professional Advisory Council:
This council helps plan events/activities for the young professionals and works on bringing value to the young professionals program. This council meets once a month. Must be ages 18-40 yrs.